Biblical Financial Education for Wealth Creation and Global Impact

Why Financial Education Matters


60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. That’s according to an April 2022 study by PYMNTS and Lending Club.


49% of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency expense, according to a YouGov survey for the Economic Security Project conducted online between May 20-23, 2022.


Only 23 states require a personal finance course for students to graduate based on a 2022 survey by the Council for Economic Education.

Our goal is to help you serve others from a position of financial strength.

Lack to Legacy Podcast Episodes

Your Lack to Legacy Guide

Hey I’m Jason Palmer!

Your journey to financial freedom begins by first knowing the Word of God. If we apply what we know to our finances, I truly believe that the chains of financial bondage can be broken for good!

My goal is to help YOU and as many people as I can to put into practice biblical financial teaching. Just imagine the impact that WE can have by simply managing our money and generating wealth God’s way.

Enough of not having enough! No more lack! Know that you’ve been activated by God to use wealth to do good in your family, community, and nation! That’s the legacy we must leave.

Join me on this journey so we can go from lack to legacy!

Lack to Legacy Resources

Lack to Legacy Blog:

1st Things 1st